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Which Histograms are Approximately Symmetric.

A histogram is approximately symmetric if it has roughly the same shape on both sides of its peak. The data points should be closest to one another at the middle, and then gradually spread out as you move away from that center point. There are several examples of symmetric histograms such as the normal distribution, which is a bell-shaped curve with equal tails on either side; Bernoulli’s Distribution, which is two spikes near each end of a central plateau; and Uniform Distribution, which produces an even shape throughout.

Other examples include Bimodal Histograms (two peaks), Triangular Histograms (three peaks), or Platykurtic Histogram (flat). In addition to being visually appealing, symmetrical distributions are useful for measuring data in statistical models since they provide greater accuracy than other types of distributions.

Histograms are a graphical representation of data, and they can be used to show the distribution of numerical data. When it comes to histograms, those that are approximately symmetric tend to display balanced values on either side of the center line or peak. Generally speaking, these types of histograms have roughly equal frequencies for each range of values within their given dataset.

This means that if you were looking at a histogram which was approximately symmetric, you would see an even spread between both ends with no dramatic dips or spikes in any particular area.

Frequency Distribution Histogram Shapes – Different Types Of Shapes Of Histograms

Which Histogram are Approximately Symmetric?

A histogram is a graphical representation of data that shows the number of values in different numerical ranges. Histograms are used to visually represent the distribution of value within a dataset. The approximate symmetry of a histogram can be determined by looking for certain patterns, such as whether the shape is centered around a single peak or has two peaks near each other.

A symmetric histogram will have an equal amount of values on either side of its central peak, resulting in two similar shapes with identical area under their curves. If these conditions are met, then it can be said that the histogram is approximately symmetric. Additionally, one should also look out for outliers which may indicate skewness or lack thereof, and examine how far away each point is from the mean to assess if there’s any significant deviation from symmetry.

Which Histogram are Approximately Symmetric And Bell Shaped?

A histogram is a graphical representation of data that displays the frequency distribution of a given set of values. It is used to show the shape and spread of numerical data. A histogram can be approximately symmetric and bell-shaped if it has two peaks or humps in its graph, with one peak on each side (right and left) that are roughly equal in size.

Additionally, the curve should have relatively smooth sides which gradually come together at its center point – forming an overall symmetric bell shape. This type of histogram typically occurs when data follows a normal distribution pattern; examples include height measurements for adults or IQ scores from different populations. Histograms with this type of shape are useful for making predictions about future events based upon past behavior – as they indicate that most outcomes will fall within certain limits or constraints.

How Do You Tell If a Histogram is Uniform Symmetric Or Skewed?

A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of numerical data. It can be used to determine whether the data has a normal (uniform) or skewed distribution. To tell if a histogram is uniform, symmetric or skewed, first examine the shape of the graph.

A uniform histogram will have bars that are all equal in height and width, with no gaps between them. A symmetric histogram will have two sides that mirror each other in terms of their heights; one side will be taller than the other but there should not be any gaps between them either. Lastly, a skewed histogram may appear lopsided; one side will generally be much taller than the other and there may also be large gaps between some of the bars on this side as well.

Additionally, you can also look at where most of your values lie within your data set; for example if most values are located near one end then this could indicate skewness on that particular end too.

What Does a Bell Shaped Histogram Look Like?

A bell shaped histogram is a visual representation of data that looks like the outline of a bell. This type of chart is often used to illustrate the distribution of values within a dataset and can be seen in many different types of graphs, including bar charts and frequency distributions. The shape resembles that of an upside-down bell, where most values are concentrated around the center point with fewer values on either side.

The peak at the middle represents the mode or most common value in the data set. On either side, there are two tails which become progressively smaller as they taper off away from the center point. A bell shaped histogram is useful for quickly understanding how evenly distributed certain values are across a dataset, making it easier to identify trends and outliers in your data.

Which Histograms are Approximately Symmetric.


Select the Correct Statement About the Mean And Median for the Histogram below

The histogram below shows that the mean and median of the data set is approximately 6. The shape of this distribution is skewed to the left, indicating that there are more values in the lower range. Therefore, it can be concluded that 6 is an accurate representation for both measures of central tendency.

Which of the Distributions is Likely to Have the Largest Mean

Out of all the probability distributions, the normal distribution is likely to have the largest mean. This is because it has a symmetrical shape that allows for a higher average result than other distributions, such as binomial and Poisson which tend to have smaller means. The larger mean can be attributed to its centered location on the x-axis, allowing for more data points above and below it.

Furthermore, due to its symmetrical nature, any positive deviations from the mean will be canceled out by negative ones resulting in an overall large mean value.

The Mean And Median are Both Measures of

The mean and median are both measures of central tendency, which is a way to measure the average value of a set of data. The mean is calculated by adding up all the values in a dataset, then dividing it by the number of items in that dataset; while the median is determined by ordering all numbers in the dataset from smallest to largest and identifying the middle value. Both measures can provide insight into how much variation there is within a given set of data, however they will not always be equal due to possible outliers or extreme values present.

The Average Number of Text Messages Sent in a Day was 67

According to a recent study, the average number of text messages sent in a day by mobile phone users is 67. This figure has grown steadily over the years as people have become more reliant on their phones for communication. Whether it’s catching up with friends or sending out reminders, texting has become an integral part of our lives.

The findings also showed that teens and young adults send twice as many texts per day as other age groups.

Which Histograms Shown below are Skewed to the Left

The histograms shown below are skewed to the left if they have a longer tail on the left side and a shorter tail on the right side. This indicates that most of the data is concentrated in one area, usually near the lower end of values. The skewness can be identified by looking at how much farther out in one direction compared to another that bars extend from either end.

If there are more bars extending to the left than to the right, then it is likely skewed to the left.

The Average Number of Calories Eaten in One Day is 2386 Calories for a Sample of 100 Participants

According to a study of 100 participants, the average number of calories consumed in one day is 2386. This figure is calculated based on an individual’s daily diet, and includes all dietary sources such as snacks and meals. It is important to note that individuals may have different caloric needs depending on their activity level, age, gender and body composition.

Therefore, this figure should be considered an estimate rather than an exact measure for all individuals.


In conclusion, it is clear that histograms can be classified as either symmetric or skewed based on the shape of their distributions. Symmetric histograms have a bell-shaped curve and are evenly distributed across the x-axis, while skewed histograms show an imbalance in data along one side of the axis. Knowing how to distinguish between these two types of distributions is essential for understanding and interpreting data accurately.

Rayhan Sarwar

I am a glass and ceramic engineering student at the Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET). I enjoy exploring science and technology, which is why I chose to study engineering!

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